


To have The Tucker Firm present a seminar to your organization on a topic within the Firm’s expertise, please contact the Firm.


The Tucker Firm’s attorneys have appeared as legal experts on WGN-TV Chicago and FOX News. The Firm’s attorneys also have been instructors on legal and tax matters for prestigious professional organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and leading accounting firms. Our attorneys instructed accountants on reducing their exposure to legal claims at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) National Tax Education Program, and our attorneys frequently instruct accountants on various topics for the Illinois CPA Society. Our attorneys instructed accountants on series limited liability companies at the Illinois CPA Society Business and Technology Solutions Show, which is one of the largest accounting conventions held in the United States. Fortune 500 companies have selected the Firm to train their personnel on responding to subpoenas, and several large accounting firms have invited the Firm to instruct their accountants on various legal and tax matters.

Upcoming Seminars

Name Host Date Description
Series LLCsLorman Education Services4/25/2008

Back by popular demand, this seminar informs real estate investors and accountants about holding their properties in a Series LLC to protect their personal assets from risk.

Litigation Proof YourselfIllinois CPA Society9/17/2008

This seminar instructs on how to protect your business from costly litigation by implementing simple procedures including taking advantage of favorable statutes, creating documents that will aid in building your legal defenses, using a beneficial engagement letter, refraining from problematic communications, and identifying early signs of litigation.  

Series LLCsLorman Education Services9/25/2008This seminar explains how regular LLCs and series LLCs are formed. maintained, and taxed and instructs on how to operate a business to reap the benefits LLCs provide.
Accountants' Malpractice Claims UpdateMarc Rosenberg's Wilmette Roundtable Group1/13/2009

This seminar will update accountants on the latest issues with respect to accountants' malpractice claims.

CPA Malpractice Issues UpdateWilmette MAP Forum Roundtable10/20/2009Come learn about the importance of document retention, subpoenas, and the latest malpractice issues and trends
Please click on the seminar name above for more information.